Due to the prevailing challenges arising out of the spread of HIV/AIDs, the program has partnered with various organizations, government ministries and other institutions to create awareness among the communities. To reach the target community or individuals with the right information on HIV/AIDS, the program has been implementing this intervention in three different programs.
Abstinence & Be Faithful Abstinence and Be Faithful - The Families Matter! Program (FMP) was started in ABC-CDP in October 2008 and was funded by CHF (Child Habitat Fund) targeting the parents with children of age 9-12 years. In 2010, CHF phased out and the program was moved to Catholic Relief Services (CRS) who have continued to partner with ABC-CDP to date. In 2011, another program called Healthy Choices was added in the AB program, targeting school youths of age between 13-17 years.
Goal: Reduce the risks of adolescents from getting HIV/AIDS, STIs and unwanted pregnancy (Teen pregnancy)
Raising awareness about the sexual risks faced by the adolescents.
Encouraging general parenting practices (relationship building, monitoring positive reinforcement, and general communication) that increase the likelihood that children will not engage in risky sexual behavior.
Improving parents’ ability to communicate effectively with their children about sexual topics and sexual risks reduction.
Delay sexual debut by improving knowledge and skills to negotiate abstinence, avoid negative peer pressure or handle risky situations and improve communication with a trusted adult.
To improve health at the household and community levels, the program through the funding from CBM & CIDA has supported the construction of 12 health facilities at the community level out of which 4 are currently in operation. This has allowed 26,759 patients to have access to quality and affordable health care in the last 5 years.
HIV/AIDS & the Community
We Mobilize and train parents /caregivers with children between 9-12 years. We also conduct five sessions training for these parents/caregivers with 18 participants per session and delivered by two facilitators a male and a female for five weeks.
We Screen and train in school youths of 10-18 years on healthy choices program for a better future in a class of 16 participants for four weeks, a session per week trained by certified facilitators trained by CDC (Center for Disease Control).
To ensure the integrity if the programe we monitor and evaluate the progress of the program and prepare monthly, quarterly and annual reports to CRS SAIDIA (Financial and narrative).
Parents have shown great interest in families matter! Due to their good turn up during trainings and their comments. Our communities have joined in addressing fight against HIV/AIDS Pandemic through these new interventions of Evidence Based (EBI) Strategy.
ABC – CDP has ten (10) certified facilitators trained by CRS & CDC. The ten facilitators work in pairs (a male and a female) and conduct the training of FMP and HC.
CRS SAIDIA has been getting our reports on monthly, quarterly and annual basis without delay.
(Oct 2008 to May 2012).
Parents have shown great interest in families matter! Due to their good turn up during trainings and their comments.
Our communities have joined in addressing fight against HIV/AIDS Pandemic through these new interventions of Evidence Based (EBI) Strategy.
ABC – CDP has ten (10) certified facilitators trained by CRS & CDC. The ten facilitators work in pairs (a male and a female) and conduct the training of FMP and HC.